Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We're on the mend...

Landon is pretty much fully recovered from his cold, and Arlan is getting there slowly but surely. He's still plenty stuffy, but is able to sleep which is a blessing to the entire household!! LOL He hasn't been nursing well the past few days, I'm thinking because it's hard for him to breathe when nursing - esp late in the day. Couple that with all the excitement Landon creates just by being Landon (and distracting Arlan), and well, not so much nursing. But I keep trying - hopefully he'll get back some interest soon :-/

Marc was here last night for a nice visit - it's always nice to see him. That and he brought us yummy Montreal bagels ... can never go wrong with that!! LOL

And that's really about it. Sherry will be here tomorrow for a couple of days ... I'm hoping this cold that's trying to catch me doesn't take hold so that I can fully enjoy visiting with Sherry and then have fun at Kristi's wedding in Lethbridge on the weekend.

It's funny - we've had such a slow January, but now things are most definitely picking up!! Next weekend (20-22) I'm hosting 2 Nutrimetics workshops here, plus Carla, Dave and the boys might come up, plus Juli, Bernie and Lilja will be in town. The following weekend I have 2 workshops again ... then it's Landon's b'day, then off to Minot! Wow - we're busy for the next month!! I love it :-D

Until next time...

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