Sunday, February 08, 2009

Last night was better...

Poor Arlan sure didn't want to go to sleep last night. I think it took him almost 2 hours to finally get to sleep. He would cry so hard, but when I would pick him up he'd be fine :-/ So I ended up having to let him cry himself to sleep. That is SO hard to do, especially when he's not feeling well to begin with. But I'm afraid he'd never have gone to sleep if I hadn't left him alone!
And then once he got to sleep (~8:45 or so), he slept until 6 am. So he definitely needed that sleep!!

This morning he's better - still a bit stuffy, but not as bad as yesterday I don't think. The new cool mist humidifier was going in his room all night, and again now for his nap, so hopefully that's helping (might also have been why he had such trouble going to sleep?). He did just wake up and squawked for a few minutes, but when I went in to get him he was sound asleep again. So he's definitely catching up on sleep today - poor kid.

Landon's still Landon ... his nose is running even less, and he's full of energy, so he's definitely on the outward swing of this bug.

Hopefully John & I can avoid it - we both feel the beginnings of a cold, but we've been sauna-ing in hopes of killing it before it gets ahold of us :-/

Busy week coming up - Marc will be here for a night from Montreal, then Sherry's here for a few days, and then we're off to Lethbridge for a wedding! So hopefully whatever bugs we have will be completely gone for all the fun!!

Safe travel wishes to Grandma and Grandpa who are off to Vegas this week!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY :-)

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