Saturday, February 07, 2009

My poor boys :-(

Landon's had a bit of a runny nose all week ... he had a rough night a few back, waking several times. But he seems to be taking it in stride these days - still runny, but sleeping better and full of piss & vinegar again!
But poor Arlan. His first really runny/stuffy nose. He gets SO mad when he's trying to sleep and his nose is stuffed. He is hard to console because he just bellers, and of course he can't nurse for comfort because he can't breathe through his nose, and his nose is even more snotty because he's crying so hard. Poor little stinker! We had a rough night last night, a couple of hour-long stints in the middle of the night until he cleared out enough to fall asleep. I hope that was the worst night! I bought a second cool mist humidifier today (Landon has one is his room too) so hopefully that helps. I used the warm mist humidifier last night in Arlan's room, but his room was a bit too ... um ... tropical! heh So we'll see if that helps.

I spent the day running around doing all the errands I avoid doing when I've got the boys. I did take Landon with me shopping for a friends wedding gift -- remind me never to take a 2 / 3 year old shopping in the fine dinnerware section of any store!! aiaiai I thought we'd be buying a lot of Denby 'pieces', literally! But we escaped unscathed, thankfully.

Other than that - just trying to take it as easy as possible this weekend. We have company for a good part of next week and then off to Kristi's wedding in Lethbridge. So tomorrow I don't think I'll leave the house beyond a walk with Landon.

until next time...

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