Thursday, May 25, 2006

The hammock bed is here...

So the Amby bed (hammock bed) has arrived, and we tried it out this afternoon. Landon napped in there for about an hour, so that's a good start!! We'll try his next nap in there (to happen shortly, hopefully) too. I am excited, hoping that it works because I like that it's so portable, and that he can use it for many more months. But I will be sad to see him move out of the bassinet, because he's just so darned close when he's in there. But he'll have to move out of the bassinet soon anyways, as he'll be too big for it in a few weeks. So ... hopefully the hammock will work well. If you're curious, you can check the bed out at

We got Landon weighed yesterday (as I try to do every Wed at breastfeeding drop-in). He's 12 pounds, 10 ounces. We measured him today and he's about 24" long too. So he's still growing growing growing :-).

Ball went well last night again - we won (yay). You can follow our progress if you're interested at We are "Bad Habit" in Division one (appropriate name ... particularly this year! Man I'm sore!!). I play again tomorrow night, then a tourny on Sat, and one or two games on Sunday as well. *sigh* I picked the wrong week to come back I think!! LOL

That's all for now. Will post again soon....TK

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