Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Weight check-in

I got Landon weighed today -- 13 pounds, 2 ounces. I was kind of disappointed, I was hoping that he'd gained more weight given how much he's eaten this past week!! But it's still right on target (8 ounces this past week), so that's good news. Then he proceeded to shit all over me at the breastfeeding group!! Right down the front of my shorts, between my legs. Very nice. Classy. I felt wonderful!! So I changed him and drove home in stinky shorts!! LOL Every day is such an experience.

We're trying something new tonight -- we've put the cd player in our room and have a heartbeat sound with waves in the background. We're hoping that that will help him to sleep longer. He's napping now, in the Amby, has been for about 45 minutes or so. Which is nice because his earlier nap was definitely not long enough and he was a bear when he woke up!! The good news -- I'm off to play ball in about an hour, so dad will have to deal with grumpy tonight :-P Actually we're hoping that he will not be so grumpy if he gets a bit more napping in now. We'll see... As long as he'll sleep tonight!!

Talk to you later...TK

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