Friday, June 02, 2006

*sigh* the non-sleeping Landon

I am completely at a loss with this little monkey. Today, he sleeps so much. He is awake for 1.5 hours at a time, tops. When he's sleepy, we put him in his hammock bed and he nods off. He slept for 2.5 hours in the hammock, then had 1.5 hours in the swing (yes, he was in there all happy, and then went to sleep), then another 45 minutes in the hammock. Then all hell broke loose. He's been up and upset for 3 hours now. He's nodded off for 2 - 3 minutes about 6 times, but won't fall asleep, no matter what we do. We've tried playing with him to tire him out, nursing, walking, in the hammock. He just won't settle at all. Of course, it is night time and he should be going to sleep, so I guess that's why! *sigh* Very frustrating, and confusing. How can he so comfortably fall asleep all day, but not at night? The twit.

So that's our day today. We'll see how things go tomorrow - assuming we all survive the night!

On the up-side ... the electric breast pump arrived today - THANKS LIZ!! So that will make pumping a ton easier now. Which will make getting ready to go play ball much less time consuming. Now just a few minutes and I'll be done and ready to go!! YAY!

Well, I think I'll go make sure John and Landon haven't done each other in yet. Wish us luck!


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