Thursday, June 15, 2006

Poor Gassy Landon-baby

We took Landon to the doctor today, because he has been so incredibly gassy the past 10 days. He wakes up from every nap and all night long with gas pains. It started out only being at night, but it's progressively gotten worse. So he's overtired and won't fall asleep easily and won't stay asleep for long. And of course, neither John nor I are getting that much sleep either. It's so hard to have him sleeping nicely only to wake up screeching. Especially since we'd just gotten him down for naps in his own bed! We didn't know how good we had it for those 3 days!

So, he's a gas-monkey. The Pediatrician confirmed that it is not normal amounts of gas, he is exceptionally gassy. His poor tummy gurgles non-stop. We're hoping it's due to a virus that he'll get over (SOON!), since he has gotten so much worse in this short while. But we are also starting to eliminate foods to see if he's got sensitivities to anything. We're starting with nuts and seafood (things I can easily live without), but eggs and dairy are next (which will be much harder for me). We also give him Lactaid drops when he eats, in case he's lactase deficient. Hopefully hopefully hopefully we'll get to the root of this gas soon, so he won't be in so much pain and we can go back to enjoying the little guy. I give him credit though - he still manages to wow us with big dazzling smiles, despite the lack of sleep and the tummy troubles. Makes the unconsolable crying even more heart-breaking.

That's the update on gassy-baby for today. Hopefully we'll get him to sleep soon ... it's been over 2 hours battling the sleep fairies already (overtired is spelled L-A-N-D-O-N!!!!!). Take care....

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