Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Busy Busy Week!!

We have had quite a busy week! Last Wed evening, Uncle Rob, Aunty Liz and the kids arrived. Landon wasn't quite sure what the heck to make of it all ... he went to sleep in a quiet, peaceful house; he woke up to pandemonium!! He stared a lot, and made strange a bit (he did NOT like Uncle Rob at all!). But Liz and Rob did lots of visiting over the next couple of days, so Landon got to enjoy some quiet house every now and again. He wasn't sure about Thomson, but he liked Isabel - I guess she's closer to his size :-)

Liz and Rob left on Friday, but then Grandma and Grandpa arrived. There was no making strange there ... Landon had big gummy smiles for both Grandma and Grandpa right away. Maybe he remembered all of the songs that Grandma sang to him when he was only weeks old. In any case, he decided that he would show off on Friday night and learn how to laugh! My cheeks were so sore from smiling and laughing at him, and he would just keep right on laughing!!!! He laughed from 10 pm until 1 am. I didn't even have to play with him ... he was just kicking and laughing and enjoying himself. I laid in bed dozing off beside him until he was finally sleepy, then he nursed a bit and we went to sleep. What a munchkin ... it was pretty darned cute!

Saturday was a big anniversary celebration for my great aunt and uncle Beatrice and Dave. Landon was a pretty popular boy, but he managed to sleep through most of it!! He slept through the program in the afternoon (2 hours), and then had a good sleep just before dinner as well. He must've been super tired because Grandma and I came home, gave him a bath, and he slept from midnight until 9:30, with only one quick meal at ~5 am. That was the best sleep I've had for weeks! Fantastic!!

Sunday, we had brunch with Great Grandpa Leisle and Eileen ... he was very good in the restaurant. We walked around a bit when he got sleepy (he had only a 20 minute nap on the way to brunch so he was a bit sleepy), but he wasn't too grumpy at all. We made up for it with a 3-hour nap in the afternoon before heading over to John's Uncle Neville's for dinner. That was fun too ... he really liked the new chocolate lab puppy (Zoey). He even got a facewash from Zoey!

Finally on Monday we sent all of our company home and had some time to ourselves. We went to a movie (Click -- don't bother), and I did some shopping. I realized as I was buying nursing tops that he'll be starting solids in only 2 months! aiaiaiaiai...time is already going by way too fast! But I still bought some new nursing shirts, to spoil myself :-P We had a nice visit in the evening with Trish too ... went for a walk and played with Trish (no making strange there either).

Now today, John finally made it home from his golfing trip. When we met him at the airport, Landon looked at him for about 30 seconds, then broke into a huge gummy grin. He was very happy to see daddy again!! And so was mommy!!
This evening is just a nice at home evening, visiting with our cousin Brian (he's here from Namibia!). Landon is getting used to his new morning wake-up time (9:30 am ... even I can handle that time), so his napping is getting more routine and his bedtime is a bit earlier. Usually he's asleep by midnight, but we're winding down by about 11:15 (after his bath). Last night he almost fell asleep by himself too, which is a treat. I ended up nursing him for a minute or two to get him right to sleep, but that was only after 30 minutes of him nodding off only to wake up in ater a minute or two. Pretty good if you ask me (much better than having to bounce on the yoga ball while he's crying). So hopefully I haven't jinxed the nighttimes and we are on the path to more peaceful sleepy-times ahead :-)

That's the long post for today. I will try to post again before the weekend. We are off to Uncle Neville's farm Saturday, then we are at the cottage for the following week. I'm looking forward to that 'vacation' and hope that Landon doesn't have too much trouble adjusting. Hopefully being able to take his Amby bed will make the transition easier (for him and me :-D).
Until next time....Lots of love!! Tamara, John & Landon

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