Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Happy Giggling Landon-Baby is BACK!

Our little munchkin has returned!! YAY He is sleeping well, so now when he wakes up he's all smiles :-) He slept for 2.5 hours this morning, and when he woke up I went in there and he gave me the biggest gummy-grin ever! He takes awhile to fully wake up though (kind of like mom) ... we walked around for about 10 minutes with him, and he just stared at things with this groggy look on his face. Then he finally realized "Hey, wait a minute. I'm HUNGRY!" He's having a nap now with daddy, giving mommy some nice quiet time. Well, not exactly quiet ... but a chance to get grocery shopping done, clothes washed, and make a post on the blog :-P

He's doing well now though. This morning he was rolling onto his side, reaching for the hanging toys. We try to play with him like that, helping him to roll over when he puts his feet in the air. He still doesn't like tummy-time too much, but it's getting better now that he's getting stronger. It must suck when you can't lift your head and people put you face down to let you stare at the floor, really close-up. He loves to sit up and watch things happening too. The swing and bouncy chairs are okay, but he is constantly lifting his head trying to sit up. It's pretty funny to watch, because he's trying so hard he's turning red, but he isn't getting very far!! Of course, his abs are in better shape than mine because of it...

His favourite time I would have to say is still when he's getting changed. We put him on the change-table, and he starts smiling and cooing and gooing. It's adorable. The entire change time is spent in 'conversation' ... Landon tells me the ways of the world while I wipe his bottom! LOL And he loves "zerberts". He's starting to anticipate them now when we take a big deep breath ... he sticks his arms out and his eyes get big. Then he starts smiling and squealing. What a sweetheart.

Well, dad is off for his golf trip tomorrow afternoon :-( I will definitely miss having him around for the next week, and I think Landon will miss him too. He's not back until Tuesday! aiaiaiaiai But hopefully he will have fun. Uncle Rob and Auntie Liz should get here tomorrow late afternoon sometime, so we will be having fun for sure. Landon gets to meet his cousins!

That's the news from here for today. Until next time.....TK

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