Thursday, June 08, 2006

3 months...and counting!

We're still here. Landon celebrated his 3-month 'birthday' yesterday! YAY He's 13 pounds, 9 ounces, so still growing. He's starting to get pudgier which is great - I love to see his little rolls and dimples!!

The sleep thing is still touch-and-go. I've gotten into the habit of pulling him into bed with me when he wakes up at night to feed him, and then I fall asleep, and then he just eats for the rest of the night whenever he wants ('grazing'). I don't think that's such a good idea, so hopefully I can find some resolve to stay awake long enough to put him back to bed after at least the first feeding in the night! But at least I know he's getting lots of milk over night!! LOL

I will get some pics uploaded in the next couple of days, so check back for those! Take care...TK

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