Saturday, June 10, 2006

Where do the days go?

It's seems like every day absolutely flies by!! Until about 10:30, when it seems an eternity until Landon falls asleep. We're working on it, but he just can't seem to start his night-time sleep sessions at a decent hour. We're getting up earlier (much to my chagrine!), and trying to start his 'wind-down' routine earlier, but it hasn't worked yet. We will keep trying, but man oh man! At least last night he only ate once between midnight and 10 am. But don't get me wrong - he was up many more times than that!! I plugged the soother a few times before the 5 am feeding, and then at 6:30 he was up for about 30 minutes with gas. A serving of Gripe water got him back to sleep until he started waking about 9:30 or so. We were up at 10, which isn't too awful I guess.

I will try to get some pics up tonight or tomorrow. Watch for them soon!! Take care...until next time. TK

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