Saturday, June 17, 2006

Are we on the road to recovery...?

Well, I wouldn't say life is grand, but I think we might be on the road to recovery with Landon. He is sleeping a bit better at night, usually getting a couple of 3 - 4 hour stretches in there. And since we've pulled him back into bed with us, I can nurse him all night long and keep him relatively quiet. The real success will be when he no longer wakes from gas so I don't have to keep nursing him! He still wakes up for one good feeding overnight, the rest is just soothing his gassy tummy :-( Poor little bugger.
On the upside, he's napping a bit better the last couple of days (knock on wood!!). Not long naps, only about an hour, but better than nothing. And he isn't waking up with screaming gas pains every time, which is a relief. Don't get me wrong, he isn't waking up all rosy either, but it's better than inconsolable gas! I'm trying to get us back to our former "routines", if you could call them that, but it's taking awhile. It'd be much nicer if Landon would take a nice 2 hour nap, but beggars can't be choosers! It's just a long day of Landon up for an hour (20 minutes of that eating), try to get him to sleep for half an hour, sleep for an hour (hopefully) - repeat. All the moms out there are nodding their heads remembering how wonderful this time is, I'm sure. I know, I know ... the worst is yet to come (either with terrible 2's, or adolescence, or teen-agerdom!).

We're busy getting ready for Uncle Rob, Aunty Liz, Thomson and Isabel. They are planning to come on Tuesday and will be in MB for a few weeks. Should be fun! And Grandma and Grandpa are coming on Friday for the weekend too. I think Grandma's pretty excited to get up here to see the little munchkin!
That's the news from here today. Now that we're (hopefully) on the back end of the gas pain (pun intended), we might have some energy to take some pics and get them posted. I'll try. There will definitely be some pics when Landon's cousins get here next week. Until then...TK

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