Tuesday, June 13, 2006

If it wasn't for gas....

If we could get all of the gas out of Landon, we would have wonderful sleep! He wakes up several times a night now, all because he has to fart! Very frustrating. Last night I was so fed up that I slept downstairs and John (bless his heart) dealt with Mr. Gassypants all night. Landon usually can get an hour or two of nice sleep in before the gas wakes him up, but of course I'm laying there the entire time waiting for him to wake up :-/
So we've now moved him into his own room, so that I (hopefully) don't hear the pre-awake stirrings. He will grunt and squirm for ~1/2 hour before waking up, during which time I'm already awake. Then he grunts and squirms for about 1/2 hour going back to sleep after eating, during with time I'm still awake. I'm hoping that moving him to his room will let me sleep a bit longer and fall asleep easier. We'll see. I'm prepared for a couple of nights of less sleep worrying about him in the other room, but in the end I hope it's all worth it. He already napped in his room today, for 1.5 hours with no troubles, so I'm hoping that he'll transition well. He's in his hammock, and we've got ambient music playing (heart beats with ocean sounds), so the sleeping atmosphere should be pretty similar. We'll see ... all I know is that I need to get more sleep because this gassy-waking is driving me mental!

Landon and I went to see Da Vinci code yesterday. The Silver City cinemas have "stars and strollers" - baby-friendly movie-going. Once a week they offer a movie for moms and babes. The sound is a bit quieter and there's a bit more light than normal movie-viewing, so it's baby-friendly. I went with Karen and Nathan (roomies from the hospital), and met a gal from the baby drop-in group as well. It was nice to get out and see a movie. The movie itself -- well, that's a really tough book to make a movie out of, so many twists and turns and details that you just can't get through in such a short time-frame. But it was pretty good all-in-all.

That's the scoop from here for now. I'll keep you posted on the new sleeping digs - pray for us, our sleep, and our sanity! He's still absolutely adorable all the rest of the day, which likely saves his neck when he wakes up at night, so we'll try to post some cute pics again soon.

Take care....Until next time. Tamara, John & Landon

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