Monday, June 19, 2006

Sleep, baby, sleep

Well, I hope I don't jinx this, but I think Landon may finally be getting passed all of his gas problems. Hopefully it was just a viral thing, and we are actually back on track to getting some sleep. He went to sleep really late last night, but he slept from 1:30 until 7, ate, and then slept until 11 am. Which means that I slept until 11 am too :-) Of course, he will be up LATE again tonight because we slept that late, but I think we are on a better track now. He had a good nap earlier this afternoon, 1.5 hours. And he's down for his second nap now. The Bonus: he fell asleep oh-so-nicely for both naps. No screaming meemie! Now we can work on getting the both of us out of bed a bit earlier in the morning :-P Tomorrow morning we'll try for 10:30 LOL

I think John had a good father's day yesterday. Landon and I took him shopping for golf stuff. Landon bought him a very nice golf shirt for his upcoming golf trip (leaves Wed, comes home next Tues -- lucky bugger!). And John bought himself a putter and some golf balls too. To top it all off, John went to a concert last night with a friend, which he said was very good. So he had a pretty good day I'm thinking.

Me, I'm feeling a bit better, having gotten some good sleep. And having some time to myself again during the day with Landon actually napping again is very nice. It's funny, now that he's napped on his own, I expect him to always nap on his own. I have to keep in mind how far we've come from the days of sleeping on me the entire day! LOL
And we're getting ready for visitors - YAY! Liz and Rob are hopefully coming on Wed - their fridge went on the fritz so their travel plans have been delayed a couple of days. Then mom and dad on Friday for the weekend. I'm looking forward to it - having other adults around, what a treat (John counts as an adult too, but it's not the same).

Anyways -- happy birthday to Doug Wiebe on Friday, and to my cousin Sharleen on Saturday! Take care, until next time...TK

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