Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jolly Jumper time!!

We got our Jolly Jumper for Landon and were able to test it out tonight!! He already likes it ... it's the first 'toy' that he hasn't been afraid of or cried at the first time he tried it out. I think he's really going to enjoy this thing ... and so are we. We took a couple of pics, so I'll post when I get them on the computer.

In the meantime, here's our 2 month snapshot of Landon - for all to enjoy!! He weighed in at 12 pounds, 4 ounces today, so he's still growing well. We're focusing on sleeping habits these days, hoping to get him out of our bed sometime before he's 2!! LOL Actually, since John's on parental leave now, we're hoping to move him into his own bed over the next few weeks ... we'll keep you posted on our sleep-deprivation and progress :-P

Well, I must go and watch American Idol. I'll try to post more tomorrow. Take care....Until next time! TK

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