Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today has been rough...

Not only am I stiff from playing ball last night, but this little munchkin didn't sleep well last night, or all day today. He's been eating, eating, eating...I'm hoping that this is the 3-month growth spurt!! That would mean I'm already 1 day into it, and hopefully it will only last for a few days!! aiaiaiai...

John went to the Cult tonight ... I'm jealous! I hope it is a great concert though. I was bugging Grandma that if she was closer I could've went too! But given this little stinker's demeanor today, it's likely best that I just stayed home!

I took Landon for a walk tonight in the stroller, as a stroller with him facing forward. He sure liked that a lot - checking out the world as we strolled along. He even had a short (i.e 3 minute) snooze! But at least he's comfortable in the stroller like that! With this nice weather we will have to try to use it like that more often. It's harder in the daytime though, because he gets very cranky when the sun's in his eyes. So we may have to keep on using the car seat attachement for awhile yet.

Here's to hoping I (well, we) get some sleep tonight. The hammock bed arrived today, and is washed. Tomorrow we may just try putting him in there to see how that works. Maybe he'll like it more than the bassinet - which he's coming close to outgrowing now too.

That's it from this side for today ... hope all is well wherever you are. Until next time....coo coo, gurgle, ahhh-goo. :-)

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