Thursday, May 18, 2006

Swaddling Blanket ROCKS!

Now I don't know if the swaddling blanket is the reason or not, but I hope it's not coincidence.
Landon slept from 11:30 pm until 6:30 this morning, wrapped all happy in his new swaddling blanket. You can check the blanket out at A lady in Winnipeg makes them, and some of the mommies I've met swear by it, so we thought we'd try it out. It works better because he can't wiggle out of it like he could the blanket. We're certainly hoping that this is a sign of things to come. Maybe we'll even be able to convince him to sleep on his own too!! But one thing at a time I guess.

Napping is going better too. He's been in his bouncy chair for 1.5 hours ... the longest nap not in our arms EVER!! I guess the weeks of sleeping with us is finally paying off and he's getting comfortable and secure enough to sleep elsewhere. Very very nice!

Mom is excited too. She's planning to go back to playing ball next week. We'll see how that goes after not doing anything (besides walking) since November!! aiaiaiaiai. We'll have to head to the batting cages this weekend perhaps, see if we can get things loosened up a bit.

And dad is practising up on his golfing, shot a 45 this morning on 9 holes. Getting ready for the big golf trip in June. I don't know if I'll get out to do much golfing this year, I'm thinking softball may be enough! LOL

Anyways, until next time, take care and we'll post again soon!! TK

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