Sunday, June 03, 2007

Another weekend down...

Weekends certainly go too quickly. Sheesh! We had a good one though. Today we went out for lunch - to one of John's co-workers, it was very nice to get out for a bit and get some visiting in. This afternoon was quiet - Landon snoozed, I got a pedicure, *shrug* That's really about it. We're starting to plan for packing for the big trip! I have to give Carla a call to see what her plans are this week, and then I'll have to make my plans for when I'm leaving. Getting excited, although I don't think the excitement will fully hit until I get to the farm. Once I get Landon there and settling in, then I'll be excited for Nova Scotia.

Off to call Carla...TK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you going to Nova scotia? I have been there x2 and it is the most beautiful place. I have many family there also, My grandfather was from there and they arrived in N.S. about 1750. So I have hundreds of family there.