Wednesday, January 09, 2008


an exciting new advancement for Landon - he's been counting to TEN for us these days! We start him off by saying 'one', then he counts (we repeat each number back to him) right up to 10. Now - not everyone would recognize what he says as the actual number, but we sure do. And he giggles and laughs and is very proud of himself when he reaches 10!! lol

He talks almost non-stop actually. Telling us about trucks and planes and helicopters. Today in the car was passed construction, and he pointed out the back-hoe and the bull-dozers to me! Too funny.

We're also thinking more and more about potty-training. He is starting to tell us when he's gone pee and poop, which is a good sign. So we'll be buying potty's soon.

And I'm going to buy a booster seat for him so that he can sit up at the table with us to eat. He isn't liking his highchair nearly as much (besides being able to now crawl right up into the highchair all by himself), and is eating some of his meals just sitting in a normal chair. So I think a booster seat is called for - and we can then put the high chair away for a year or so!! Clean up the kitchen a bit ... heh heh

Pics to come soon ... promise....

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