Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Still on the mend...

Well, our household certainly isn't 100% yet. Landon seems to be faring the best of the three of us, but that's likely because John and I do all the work and all he has to do all day is play :-D He is waking up crying at night though - maybe a bit of a habit formed from when he was really sick and we'd go running in there at every snuffle and squawk? I wasn't running in there last night, so John actually got up to check on him. By then Landon had found his soother and was calming down - so hopefully tonight we'll get a full night's rest!!!
So we haven't done a damned thing for the past week beyond just trying to get through it. Actually that's not altogether true -- I went to see my Ped on Monday, he will see me through the rest of the pregnancy and delivery. Things are good - heartbeat at 136 bpm (for those who are noting these things for guesses). I'm gaining weight, a bit, but mostly belly which is good. My next ultrasound is in 2 weeks (jan 22) and I'm really looking forward to it.

And we saw Trish on the weekend - finally! It's been awhile. She's moving to Calgary though which is great news! Landon actually played shy when she first arrived, but he very quickly warmed up to her.

And that really is it. Hopefully I'll find the energy to get through some pics in the next few days - I know everyone's waiting for them :-/ until then..TK

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