Thursday, January 31, 2008

YAY - for potty peeing!

Landon did another pee in his potty last night - a full pee this time, not just a dribble. He wanted his clothes off after supper, saying pee pee. I showed him his pot, and he peed! He won't stay on there long if we're standing over him, so we have to give him his space. That means he got some pee not in the potty, but most of it was in there, so YAY!

The past days have been good. I finally got all of the Thomas train tracks and stuff that I wanted off of ebay, so I can ignore that site for awhile.
And I never thought I would be excited to take a cake decorating course -- but I am. *shaking head* It starts next week, a couple of hours on Wed nights for 4 weeks. This was spurred on by me wanting to make a Thomas cake for Landons birthday in March. So the decorating course will be very handy (and used very quickly). I'll maybe even practise with a b'day cake for me...we'll have to see.
And I finally found a Thomas cake pan - and I'm able to rent it instead of buying it. Phew! So that's good stuff too.
Birthday party planning has begun :-D Hard to believe that he'll be TWO already!

Other than that, not much new. We went to the gym today for drop-in play. Landon enjoyed it I think. He's starting to enjoy being around other kids more. He likes to follow older kids around. He's pretty friendly usually - he'll bounce up to other kids and say 'hi'. I noticed today that not many responded to him (positively or negatively) - most kids are just playing in their own world. But he had fun, running around and not really playing with anything in particular for about half an hour. Then he said "All done.", so we had some juice and came back home.

It was just so nice to get out of the house - poor kid has been cooped up for so long!! LOL And it was nice for me to not have to be watching Thomas dvd's for awhile ... aiaiai ... as soon as Landon gets up he wants 'choo choo trains'!! At least it's giving me a chance to teach him please and thank you, and I always make him use words instead of just pointing and whining. We get enough of that as it is.

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