Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Look at Landon!

Landon is just a busy little stinker these days. If I'm downstairs, he'll go upstairs. So I go upstairs, and he heads downstairs. LOL And always to explore things he's not supposed to have. Today he discovered the sugar bowl. He dumped some on the cupboard, then spooned some into his mouth. MMmm...MM! He thought that tasted pretty darned good.
Then he brought me the snack mix that Grandma made - he REALLY likes goldfish!

And every time he's doing something, he's saying "look at Landon!". And we have to look, or he just keeps repeating that over and over and over and over and over...and over. Usually he's doing something really amazing, like standing up on the arm of the couch, or jumping on the table, or doing the surfer-stand on the rocking chair, or some other such wonderful, heart-stopping feat! Fun.....heh heh

I had my second ultrasound this morning - VERY active baby, which I don't feel much of because I have an anterior placenta (meaning it's on the belly side of my uterus, cushioning my belly from feeling all of baby's antics). But all the bits and pieces seem to be there and in the right places which is wonderful. And I am starting to feel more movement, which is thrilling of course.

So that's the news for now ... will post some more pics shortly when I get through them all. Right now I'm off for a snoozer...

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