Thursday, January 10, 2008

What FUN we arrived to in Toronto!!

Landon had sooooo much fun playing with his cousins, Thomson (4) and Isabel (2 1/2).
Thomson (a hockey NUT) was teaching Landon the finer points of the game ... here you see Thomson's superb goal-tending skills, and Landon's questionable defensive maneuvres.
There was a box of Thomas trains there -- which entertained Landon to no end throughout the entire week. Which is good, because there are a couple of unopened gifts here still (waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to arrive next week) with some stuff just like this for Landon. I think he'll be pretty excited to find his own trains ('toot toot') when he unwraps those gifts.
Landon and Isabel are like two little peas in a pod - little dare-devils willing to push the limits and then look oh-so-sweet-and-innocent afterwards ... heh heh
Landon had fun with the toy-stravaganza at his cousin's house. Here he's checking out a hammering toy.

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