Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday update...

Landon was so excited today. He 'discovered' at tiger (Tigger) costume in his closet. He was jumping up and down "tiger! tiger". So I pulled it out, which was exciting enough. But you should have heard him giggling and laughing when I put the costume on him!! Then, to top it off he spent about 10 minutes loving his reflection in our bedroom mirror!! It was one of those times when I wished there was a camera following him around to capture this moment forever! He was smooshed right up to the mirror, with his hands folded just under his chin, with this big goofy grin on his face!! LOL What a memory :-D

Landon also discovered that he loves butter tarts -- he polished off most of mine and half of John's tonight! So he'll be excited to see more of those come out on the weekend when Grandma and Grandpa are here I'm thinking.

We're moving his morning schedule up - when he was finally somewhat feeling better from this most recent illness, he was sleeping until 11 am, and going to sleep at midnight or later :-/ Now he's getting up at 9 am, and is going to bed at 10 pm. He's pretty sleepy these days, so he's actually falling asleep shortly after we put him to bed too, which is good. I did feel bad one night late last week ... I could hear him in his bed saying "apple juice", but I just ignored it (he usually lays in bed saying many things, like "loader" and "kitty cat" and "Landon"). Almost an hour later he was still moving and making noise, so I went in to check on him. He saw me and immediately said "apple juice". Poor little stinker was thirsty!! So I gave him some water, which he gulped like he'd just made a trek through the desert, and went right to sleep!! LOL So now I make sure I offer a drink of water before he goes to bed.

Landon's getting to be quite the acrobat too. He jumps off of everything, including the couches (the front though still -- not the back ... yet). He takes a few falls a day, but usually he just giggles, gets back up, and goes right back at it!! We're going to need a trampoline and a jungle gym for him!

That's the news for today ...

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