Monday, February 04, 2008

Monday News...

There isn't much Monday news today. We had a nice weekend, didn't do too much (which is likely why it was nice LOL).
Nothing more has been happening on the potty training front. Landon has been wanting to keep his clothes on, and I'm fine with that.
Landon is definitely closer to 2 though - he's starting to have tantrums. This morning he laid on the floor crying and wailing - then looking to see if I was looking - and then crying and wailing some more; for about 15 minutes! I couldn't believe he kept it up, since I was doing what the 'experts' say to do and ignoring him. Finally I sat on the couch -he came over and wanted up and wanted to snuggle. He still cried a bit though, even on my knee. Stinker! Then we went for a car ride (to the post office) and all was good.
The sleep thing - we have had Landon getting up at 9 am for the past couple of weeks, hoping that he'll go to sleep better for us at night. It really wasn't helping - he would lay in bed from 10 until 11:30 or so before going to sleep at night. During this time he would cause all sorts of trouble - like taking his sleeper off, throwing everything out of his crib and then crying to get it back, and he even showed me he could reach the pictures on the wall (when one came crashing down off the wall) so I had to rehang them higher. I think he reached a peak of being overtired last week when he woke up at 8:30 one morning after only 9 hours of sleep! aiaiai He wasn't very happy that morning, let me tell you!
But he finally went to sleep that night when we put him to bed, and he did the same again last night. Plus he's finally starting to wake up easily at 9 am, usually he's already starting to shuffle around in there by 9. So maybe, after TWO WEEKS, he's starting to get used to it? Let's hope. I'd like it if he could start falling asleep better at night - I feel bad when we put him to bed and he's awake for so long in there. He doesn't seem to mind - he plays quite happily, singing and babbling. But that situation doesn't bode well for when we move him to a 'big boy bed' -- a move which will be coming up soon I'm sure. Although he hasn't crawled out of his crib for almost 2 months (knock on wood!).

Singing - yes, Landon does love to sing. He is always singing his "mommy, I seepy" song that I made up for him when I put him down for his naps. And he's singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for us too ... he has the tune down, and he says some or most of the words of each line (tinkle tinkle star, how wonder you are, up world high, diamond sky ...) It's very cute, and I love it.

Landon has also been playing non-stop with either his matchbox trucks (memuck guck = cement truck; loadah - loader; beeguck guck = big dump truck; cahne guck = crane truck) or his Thomas trains and tracks. We watch Thomas dvd's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllll day long! He particularly likes Gordon for some reason, and Percy. and Cranky. Too funny - it amazes me how he remembers all of their names!

Well, that's Monday afternoon for ya. I go to the doc tomorrow for my monthly prenatal check-up. Landon's going with me to this one ... could make it interesting!! I've definitely packed on some pounds this month, so we'll see what the doc says. I'm not worried though - I'm following the same weight gain path as I did with Landon, and I lost that weight so I'm sure I'll be fine ... esp with two monkeys to chase after! aiaiaiaiai

Until next time...

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