Thursday, February 28, 2008

getting better...slowly

Landon and I are getting better. Well, Landon's energy levels are right back up to supersonic anyways. I am doing better, but not 100%. Still a bit stuffy, but much better than last week at this time anyways. Landon is still pulling on his ears now and again, I don't know if he still has some infection or if he's getting some teeth. It's been so long since he got any teeth, I just don't know what to think. But he's been pulling on his ears more since he started his antibiotics than he did beforehand...? And at night he asks for medicine when he's getting ready for bed. I've been giving him Camilia (a natural teething pain reliever) at night, although one night I did give him Motrin.

Speaking of going to bed at night....

Any bets on how many times he'll climb out of the crib tonight? One night it was EIGHT times ... over a period of 1.5 hours!! It's usually at least 2 or 3 times, and he seems to do it when he's almost asleep so that he can wake himself up again for another half hour of fun. Drives me nuts!! Of course. We just keep on putting him back in bed every time he gets out. *shaking head* It's not so bad, we're usually just in bed ourselves reading, but with my belly getting bigger and bigger it's getting harder and harder to get up after I lay down!! LOL Ah well ... I'm sure it'll be even more fun when we put Landon in a bed (vs the crib).

We went to the zoo yesterday, it was so nice out. Landon had a BLAST! He ran ran ran all over the zoo - thank goodness it wasn't too busy! I would say that he got the most out of the zoo yesterday of all the times we've been. He was excited to see some of the animals, and was happy to name some and imitate their sounds (like elephants, and zebras which say 'boogie boogie boogie' dontcha know!). He walked / ran most of the time, while I pushed an empty stroller. Which isn't too bad, the stroller is so much lighter without him in it, and it carries all our junk nicely :-D We met Stephanie and Iden there, so it was nice to get a big of a visit, too.
Landon did almost get bitten by a Canada Goose though -- they were sitting on some grass and he just ran right up to them. So very excited to see some birds. He got close enough that they were hissing at him until I was able to get to him (through a throng of moms standing there watching Landon almost get bitten without moving a muscle to stop him, but blocking my way to get to him myself, and then having the nerve to give ME disapproving looks ... *sigh*). Landon stopped when they hissed, thank goodness, and just stood there quacking at them - he was so excited to see them!! It was funny because it all ended up ok.
The highlight must've been feeding the ducks though. You can buy a handful of oats for 25 cents and the ducks will come up to you pretty close. Landon was quacking and squealing and chasing those ducks. I could just picture him and Grandpa feeding those ducks daily ... heh heh Maybe we'll make another trip to the zoo during one of their trips and they can feed the ducks.

Uncle Bob, Aunty Rosemary, Juli and Lilya will be here this weekend. I'm so very much looking forward to having a little baby here! It will be good for Landon too - he'll get some 'practise' heh heh. So I won't post until after their visit. Have a good weekend! And Happy Birthday to Pam -- you are one SEXY 33 year-old baby!! :-D

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