Monday, February 11, 2008

Do they HAVE to turn 2?


need I say more? Not really, but I will.

Today was one of those days. Landon had a melt-down at lunch-time, for what reason I do not know. He was just bawling and screaming and clinging to me and didn't eat a thing. Nice. Finally we laid down on my bed and read some books. After 3 stories he was fine, and went playing away for an hour or so without bothering me for a minute. *shrug*
So it's coming up to nap time, he needs to eat something, so we go downstairs for some yogurt. He ate one, wanted another, okay. I got another out of the fridge. He decided to see what the big yellow container was ... well, he found out. Orange juice all over the floor, fridge, cupboards. To his credit - he was pretty cute, standing there completely stunned at the mess he had just made.
So I stripped his clothes off, and put him in the living room while I went about finding something to mop up. He followed me around babbling away. I start mopping, he comes around the corner giggling and laughing because he'd taken his diaper off (I should've seen something coming here... but I was busy). I look up again, about half-way through oj mopping, and he playing in a new puddle with his car. Yup - he'd peed, on the car, his hand, etc, it was fun. I'm sure he thought I was playing in a puddle of oj, he should play in a puddle too. *sigh*
So put off cleaning up oj to clean Landon up, and mop up that mess on the floor. Then finally back to the oj, and trying to figure out how to get it all from under the fridge.

After this wonderful 15 minutes (all the time I will say he was in a good mood though - much different than the lunchtime meltdown period), we finished up yogurt and had a snooze - Landon and mommy!!

Tonight he's been in a much better mood - John thinks I'm nuts when I talk about his grumpy/clingy/sucky times all day long. *sigh* Maybe I am. or maybe it's just because between John and I Landon gets more attention at night. Ah well...I guess I might as well get used to it, he's SO close to 2....makes me sad.

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