Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tough night...

Don't really know what was up with Landon last night. He had fun playing all night long, and everything seemed pretty much normal. We put him to bed at the usual time, and he played and babbled for awhile in there which is not unusual. Then about 11 he started fussing, and he cried on and off until 1 am when he finally got to sleep. He was soooooo tired he could hardly keep his eyes open...his eyes would roll back and close, then snap open and he'd cry out. Then he woke up crying at 2. He cried himself back to sleep in about 20 minutes, but woke up at 3 crying again. He cried on and off until 5 am! And he was soooo sleepy -- again he could hardly keep his eyes open, but once they'd close they'd snap open again and he'd be off crying. And he wouldn't settle down for me, only for John. Which was something new (and I have to admit, welcomed as well ... John can have some middle-of-the-night fun for once...heh heh). Finally I had him in the chair with me and he fell into a nice deep sleep about 5. We gave him Motrin at 4 which may have helped. He slept until 9:40 (which is when he usually wakes up if we don't get him up earlier), and was in a pretty good mood all morning. He played well, we went to the store and he behaved well there. He ate a good lunch. He was VERY excited to get some new Thomas trains and tracks in the mail and played nicely with that for almost an hour before going down for his nap.

So we really don't know what's up. He still has a cough and a runny nose. I put Vick's on his chest last night, but maybe it didn't help ...? Today I have a cough that hurts my chest, so maybe that was his problem? But he wasn't coughing in his sleep, so I don't know what woke him up. Once he was awake and crying, then he'd start coughing, and then I can see why he was so miserable. Grandma thinks nightmares, which may be, since he seemed so reluctant to fall asleep. I don't really know - I just hope he sleeps better tonight. One sleepless night isn't too bad, but 2 in a row is tough. Esp since I'm battling this stuffy nose / chest cough thing too. *sigh*

Other than that - dancer was jumping around in my belly all night long too. Must've known something was up! LOL I bought a story book today for Landon for Valentine's Day - it's a Berenstain Bears book and has a story on bringing a new baby home, plus 4 other stories. He seems to really like Arthur books and Berenstain Bears, and the subject matter was fitting so I figured it's a good V day gift :-)

That's the news...I'm going to relax while Landon naps, because who knows how long it'll last!

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