Wednesday, February 13, 2008

NOW I know...

Now I know what was up with Landon ... it's this cold. Last night I would've sat up and cried all night too if I'd have thought it would help! So we are both sick with a cold, both miserable and whiny...poor John.
Landon did sleep the entire night last night which was a blessing. But he is whiny today :-( Hopefully he'll be better after a nap. However I will have to keep his nap a bit shorter ... yesterday he slept for 3.5 hours in the afternoon! Needless to say he didn't go to sleep until close to midnight last night, which may be why he's a tad bit grumpy today. I had fallen asleep yesterday afternoon, not waking up until John got home ! Which is why Landon got in such a good sleep too ... heh heh We obviously both needed it though, that's my defense and I'm sticking to it!

So that's really it. Just a couple of sicklings here...*sigh* hopefully this is the last cold of the season for us, I'm really sick of feeling crappy! Oct and Nov were nausea with pregnancy, early Dec was stomach flu, and now I've been sick pretty much since Christmas. Ugh ... 4 months is enough, give me a few months of health before this baby arrives...PLEASE!!
Until next time...TK

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