Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mama Broke It!

Yes I did ... I knocked over a shelf in the basement, made a big mess, and scared the bejesus out of Landon. Not the knocking over part, but the vacuuming up afterwards part :-/ To calm him down, John just kept repeating "mommy broke it, but it's okay" so that Landon knew we weren't mad at him. So all night long it's been "Mama broke it!!". He won't let me live it down, the little stinker bug!

I heard today, and just confirmed online, that Thomas the Tank Engine will be at Heritage Park in May. Oh my good bloody gawd ... I had better get tickets! LOL Actually, I don't know if Landon will be excited or somewhat scared, but I will take him to see Thomas in any case; I'm looking forward to it.

Any bets on how many trips out of the crib tonight? I'm off to put Landon to bed now...........

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