Tuesday, February 19, 2008

pictures, finally!

Landon loves to be tossed in the air. Here we were trying to catch his big laughs while he was in mid-flight (John is throwing him up from the landing, I'm in the bonus room). He giggles and laughs and wants "again" long after we're both exhausted from this activity!!
Here is a smiley faced Landon from a couple of weeks ago.
Here is what we're seeing more of -- the grumpy, frustrated Landon that wants to hit you. He doesn't like this picture though ... he really stares at it, he knows it's him, but he doesn't like it. Maybe it'll come in useful as a tool to help him control his frustration? I don't know ... in the meantime there's lots of "Landon, stop hitting mommy!" going on in our house :-( Poor little stinker!

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