Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shopping Day Extravaganza!

Wow - did we shop today! LOL We picked up our new blinds that we ordered for our bedroom, and headed to IKEA ... our first trip there (I went once in Edmonton about 8 years ago ... it was NOTHING like the trip today...!). Overall John thinks it was a positive experience, I'm like 'meh'. I'm not a huge Ikea fan, although I don't dislike their stuff. I just didn't like the entire feeling of being moved through the store almost like a reverse assembly line. You follow these arrows on the floor which is the path through all the departments; stop off in a dept and pick up what you need, and continue. I felt like I was being herded ... vs a dept store where you go up and down aisles. *shrug* Ah well ... we got our new cupboards for the laundry room that John is installing right now. He put the blinds up this afternoon and they look great. I'm so pleased.
Landon was a very good boy in Ikea ... he had loads of fun saying 'hi' to all of the furniture and toys and stuff there (if you can imagine "Hello moon. Hello frog. Hello truck. Hello bunny.") He did fall asleep on the ride home though ... it was too much, all that excitement of Ikea !! LOL

I also got my car worked on today - well, just a tune-up / check-up / oil change. All's good there. And I went to Toys R Us for awhile *by myself* this afternoon. It was much less stressful than my last trip (a week before Xmas), and I enjoyed going through the store without having to appease Landon at every turn. I liked wandering through Babies R Us and contemplating what to get for the new one :-D

Landon and I are slowly getting over these colds of ours. *sigh* I sure hope it's the last one of the season! I'm so sick of being sick.
But at least Landon has been sleeping very well at night - we don't hear a peep out of him. I've noticed that he's moving around in his crib less, he even kept the afghan on him for the entire night last night - I don't think he's ever stayed under a blanket all night (since the days of swaddling that is). So maybe, just maybe, he's getting ready for a big boy bed. We have been watching for a headboard, etc for him, but haven't found something we're interested in yet. I was tempted to get the Thomas toddler bed today - but the fact that we'd be moving him to get him into a bigger bed (as well as out of the crib) means that it's pointless to use the same mattress when we move him. He is just so big ... he lolls around all over that crib, with arms and legs sticking out of the bars! LOL So cute, I can hardly stand it!

So that's the news from Calgary today. Maybe some more shopping tomorrow - John's wanting some pants. Heh heh Maybe momma will have to buy herself some new shoes or something .... we'll see.

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