Friday, February 08, 2008

Another cold :-(

Landon has another cold, poor little stinker. He started coughing Wed even, had a slight fever. That lasted through yesterday, and his afternoon nap was tough (a sure sign he's not feeling well). Today his nose started running. Poor kid ... At least he knows how to blow his nose now though. But I feel bad for him, we can hear him coughing at night. Last night he woke up, miserable, from coughing, and cried for a few minutes before he could get himself back to sleep. Hopefully it won't be as severe as the last one, and won't last as long. At least he was up and playing happily this morning for awhile, even if his appetite is gone.

Haven't done too much this week. Landon has received some Thomas track and stuff that we ordered on ebay. He was so excited going through that new stuff. Now we have train tracks running everywhere LOL And trains are everywhere too.
We got some new little trucks for him as well, at the consignment store, a firetruck, dumptruck, and cement truck. He has been playing with those for every minute that he's not playing with trains for the past couple of days too. Too funny ... he absolutely loves the cement truck -- if he doesn't have it, we have to find it or else!

No more potty business this week - maybe he has been feeling this cold coming on, I don't know, but he hasn't been interested in running around naked and using the pot. He is interested in us using the toilet - whenever John goes pee Landon's running right into the bathroom behind him to watch! LOL And he likes to flush the toilets too, whether they really need it or not. Thank goodness we have low-flow toilets!

That's the news - not too much. Bedtimes are still not perfect, but getting a bit better (maybe?). He'll likely fall asleep easier while he's not feeling good these days - but it still breaks my heart to have to yank him out of bed in the morning when he's sleeping so nicely. Especially since he's usually grumpy when I get him up and I'm very used to a kid who's very happy when he wakes up (on his own). But we'll stick to it ... hopefully we'll get his schedule moved up eventually -- he just really likes that 11 pm sleep-time I guess *shrug*

That's all for now...

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