Tuesday, February 19, 2008

And our luck has run out...

Yup - Landon has figured out how to get out of that crib, easily and repeatedly! lol Yesterday afternoon he wasn't falling asleep for his nap, but I was leaving him in there in the hopes that he would eventually fall asleep. Well...he crawled out of his crib and stood at the top of the stairs looking at me like "if you won't get me out, I'll get out myself, so there". I put him in and asked him to show me how he got out - which he promptly did. He showed John too when he came upstairs. LOL He just puts a foot up on the side rail, lifts himself up, swings his legs over to the recliner and crawls down. This morning when he (finally) woke up I walked in his room to see him sitting in the recliner. Goof ball!

So, I guess our 'luck' at having him stay in his crib has officially run out. Now we'll have much more fun getting him to sleep at night I'm sure. *sigh* Ah well ... it had to happen sooner or later. I'm picking up a safety bed rail today for his 'big boy bed', and we'll probably be moving the mattress upstairs soon. We're still on the hunt for a headboard etc, perhaps we'll have to make next weekend a shopping extravaganza too!

This past weekend we did shop shop shop! On Sunday John bought some pants and I bought shoes. Yesterday John bought more clothes as well, and we got Landon's b'day gift (a tricycle). Both days Landon didn't nap :-( He was so tired both days when we left the shopping centres, but then when we got home he wouldn't (or couldn't) fall asleep. Poor stinker. Sunday was tough - he was soooooo tired and miserable until he finally went to bed. Monday wasn't so bad though - you'd never have known he hadn't napped. I sure hope this isn't the end of naps - I still think he needs the break in the day. We may just have to be a bit more diligent in getting him to bed when he's sleepy (vs whenever we get home from shopping LOL).

This week is supposed to be gorgous ... I'm looking forward to that! Lots of sunshine. Yesterday was so beautiful. And Landon is so ready for nice weather and playing outside. He went out on the deck in the morning with just a light coat and shoes on ... he was so happy just to get out there. He rediscovered his turtle sandbox and played in there despite the cold sand. It will be wonderful to get the backyard fenced and then he can go out so much more - which is really what he needs! Poor energetic little stinkerpants! I can hardly wait to see him on the tricycle ... I'm sure he'll absolutely love it!

That's it for today. Some pics should come soon -- once they're uploaded onto the computer. Since I'm not planning to do any shopping today, maybe I'll get that done! LOL

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