Friday, February 22, 2008

antibiotics for both of us :-(

I had to break down and go to the doctor yesterday ... I have a sinus infection that is making my face so sore I can barely open my mouth wide enough to eat! So I took Landon as well ... even though he's improved considerably the past few days. We are barely needing to wipe his nose throughout the day, and he's been sleeping well and everything.
So I got antibiotics, which I was fully expecting (and hoping for). What surprised me is that Landon has a 'raging ear infection', so he got antibiotics too. I didn't think he had an ear infection - he sure hasn't been fussy or anything. He hasn't been pulling on his ears too much, he has been sleeping through the night... But at least it's getting treated now - maybe it would've gotten worse yet, who knows? So we're doing the drug thing and hoping to feel better for the weekend, finally!!

Landon is singing away these days ... all day long. He sings Wheels on the Bus which comes out "wheels...bus...round and ROUND!", and he does the alphabet from beginning to end, you just can't understand the words he's saying, but he has the tune and some of the letters. I love when he says LMNOP, he just mumbles all the way through. He even does the "Now ABC, next time," Too sweet.

Landon hasn't been crawling out of his crib too much. A couple of nights ago he was out 3 times, then 2 nights ago he didn't crawl out at all, and last night only once. So that's a good thing. We just grab him and put him back in the crib - we don't say anything or linger, just stick him in there and walk out again. He even slept without a soother the other night, all night. Which is good, as I'd like to take it away from him. He ends up chewing on the soother which puts holes in it and we have to toss it. So soothers aren't lasting him very long these days and I really don't see much point in buying new soothers every few weeks just to keep this habit going. Hopefully when this ear infection clears up we'll be able to drop it altogether!

That's the news for today. I'm just hoping that we both finally get good and healthy and stay that way for a few months!! LOL Well, at least until after Landon's birthday and our trip to Banff!

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