Sunday, May 04, 2008

Having a backyard is FABULOUS!

Landon thinks so too. We spend lots of time out in the yard now - and I think Landon's starting to find it as much if not more fun than the park even (I hope so - although he does love to swing at the park). He's just learning and realizing how much he can run and play back there. Plus he's having a blast kicking the ball around and around and around, and tonight he played hockey. It took him awhile to realize just how fun it can be back there, but I think he's got it now. Especially when mom's working out there, he loves to have us back there with him. And I'm happy to be able to get out and do a bit of yardwork - like raking the grass. I've got our yard planned out, now to see what we'll get done this spring before the baby comes.
And I just love this last picture -- he wants to see the camera whenever we pull it out. We seldom get a nice picture of him because he's always reaching for the camera and gets mad if we don't give it to him (which he tells us by saying he's 'frush-trated!'). So this is the typical face that we get whenever we bring the camera out. heh heh
the best thing about the yard and all the playing we do -- good naps and better bedtimes!! LOL John put him down at 9:30 the other night and didn't hear another thing from him. He didn't go right to sleep as he had a truck in bed with him in the morning, but at least he's going to bed earlier and is staying there. Gotta' love that!

1 comment:

niknac said...

Sounds like you need to get a swing set now and you will never have to leave the yard. As for the camera I think we got Taylor a little digital fisher price camera when she was about 2 and a half. They rock and are very durable.