Monday, October 27, 2008

broccoli crashing and dirty movies!

Landon always makes me laugh it seems. The other night we were watching ... wait for it ... THOMAS of course. Thomas did not puff with care around the dangerous bend and crashed into the bushes. Landon looked at me very seriously and explained "Thomas crashed into the broccoli mom!!" Of course ...

Then we were at the library on Saturday afternoon, and I let Landon pick out two Thomas videos to bring home. While we were checking through the videos, I would open them up to see just how scratched they actually were (I hate library videos, but it does break up the monotony of the videos we have here), telling Landon I was looking for scratches. We find a couple that didn't seem to be too bad. Landon then goes ripping through the library yelling excitedly "Let's go home and watch dirty videos mom!!" Of course ...

Another cute story from a few weeks back. Landon was running around ... wait for it ... naked, I was upstairs. Then I heard him "I peed a bunny mom!" Wondering just what he was trying to explain, I went downstairs getting ready to mop up a pee accident. There was an accident all right, and Landon's exclamation was a perfect description. There in the carpet was a wet spot shaped exactly like a bunny head, big pointy ears and all .....

So yes, Landon makes me laugh, and blush occassionally too. But it's all fun! LOL

Potty training - a bit slower these days...Landon peed his pants yesterday and today, and then wants diapers on because he feels bad. He is 100% when he runs around naked without gotches or anything. But put gotches, and esp gotches and pants on, and he forgets he's got to use the pot. *sigh* Ah well, we just mop up the messes and keep trying ...

Arlan is perfectly adorable, of course! He was laughing laughing laughing today as I tickled him. Sooooo cute. He's such a happy little man, I love it. He's been going to bed nicely at 7 pm, wakes up 3 times to eat, and wakes in the morning at 8 am for the day. Gotta' love that schedule. He has only short naps throughout the day, but with that nighttime schedule I think I can survive it!

Until next time...

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