Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend news?

Well, it's been a productive weekend, but not that exciting. John got the basement primed. our next step is to pick out carpetting, so we can pick out paint colours. John will get the sauna built too -- before we paint and install flooring. But it's coming together, that's for sure :-)

Landon's favourite activity these days is doing somersaults. Yup - he does 'em all over the house!! Mostly he likes to jump from the arm of the couch, flip in the air and do the somersault onto the seat of the couch. Gives me heart attacks every time. But he also does somersaults all over the living room whenever we can convince him to clean up his train tracks.

Arlan is a cutie of course. He is napping well in his room in the bassinet. Next step is to move him into his crib for naps, probably start tomorrow. Last night he slept well ... went to sleep ~7:30, got up at 4 to eat. He did stir several times before that, but I just plugged the soother in and he went back to sleep. I'm hoping to get him back to once a night eating if possible ... we'll just see if he co-operates!! LOL

Landon woke up at 1:30 with a horrible cough ... sounding like he was choking so I think it was post-nasal drip. I think that poor kid has inherited his mom's sinuses :-( I gave him Motrin, and laid down with him. He grabbed puppies and snuggled right up to me - it was so sweet - and went right back to sleep. I think he was most miserable just to have woken up. Oh yeah, he had poopy pants too that I had to change, which didn't help matters :-/ But he woke up fine this morning and has been playing his heart out all day, so maybe it won't be too bad?

This fish has been causing some work, of course! We are having to change some of the water every day because it's 'bubbly' :-/ But the little fishie is very pretty and surprisingly social, so I guess I'll labour away at it! lol By social I mean that every time we walk into the room, he swims to the front of his bowl and then swims back and forth like he's saying 'look at me look at me!" Reminds me of Landon!! LOL

Well, that's about it really. oh yeah, I voted as we'll be gone on voting day. And Landon and I planted tuplips in the front bed this morning. Let's hope they come up all pretty in the spring :-)
until next time...

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