Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Trip to Moose Jaw - Oct 11

On the Saturday of our trip back to Sask, we checked out Grandma and Grandpa's new house in Moose Jaw (seen in the background here ... it was just about to get some siding, and is framed on the inside). Landon had the most fun climbing on the sandpile for the driveway. He had so much fun that when we got to the restaurant and took off his shoes, we left quite a pile of sand on the floor there too!!
We went to the Western Development Museum in Moose Jaw after lunch. I hadn't been there in YEARS (like, 20 ??). We almost didn't see any of the museum, as Landon found the Thomas train table in the lobby. What a set-up!! But we broke him away from there, despite his protests, and he got to explore the museum with it's trains, boats, and planes. I think the planes were his favourite, and he even got to sit in the cock-pit of a Snow-bird -- which he thought was "pretty neat"
On the way out we checked out the gift shop (while Landon again played at the train tables). Thank goodness he didn't go in there - it's a Thomas SUPERSTORE!! LOL Both Grandma and I bought some Christmas stuff for Landon. Even my eyes were shining, I wanted to buy it all!

The trip back to the farm was pretty good. Landon slept most of the way, and Arlan made some fusses but I fed him and we were good to go.

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