Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en 2008

Well, Hallowe'en was a bit different this year than last, that's for sure. Firstly, I actually went through the trouble of getting dressed up as the Hulk ... and I think my costume was pretty good (except for the hair, didn't have time to do the hair :-/). apparently it was too good -- Landon was scared $hitle$$ of me!! LOL So I had to wash my face off - with Landon watching so that he knew that it really was me - and remove the muscles. I was the Hulk, from the waist down heh heh
Incidentally, Arlan was fine with me ... he must've been cueing on my scent and sound more than sight *shrug*

Here's our jack-0-lantern. Landon sort of helped to carve it this year. Well, he stuck his spoon into the pumpkin twice to help clean it out!! LOL Then he ran around the house, as usual. But he was adamant "No (s)cary faces!!" So we did a goofy one (much to John's disappointment).

And here is Landon as the black cat. This was taken this morning as we were getting ready to go for a walk. He was very excited to be a kitty! But it was so warm out that he ended up taking the kitty costume off as soon as we got to the store :-/
Tonight however, Landon was Tigger. He was so traumatized from the Hulk costume that he didn't want to go trick-or-treating at all, and certainly wasn't going to wear the black cat costume even if we did go outside with mommy (who had already washed her face!). But he did think he could handle the Tigger costume (same as last year) ... so we squeezed him into it. Poor kid. He wouldn't have gone trick-or-treating at all except some kids came to the door and got candy -- he wanted the candy and we told him the only way to get candy was to go out with mommy. So we did ... to about 15 houses or so. We didn't even finish one side of the crescent and he was ready to go home. But I guess ... enjoy the short nights while I can, right??

And here is the cutest little dalmation ever!!! I may be biased, but man is he CUTE!! Arlan was wearing this all day long ... from our first walk this morning, and then to the carpet store in the afternoon, and to go trick-or-treating with Landon. Arlan's such a happy baby ... Landon's melting down and we're trying to placate him and wash my face etc, the whole time Arlan's just hanging out on the floor with his costume on waiting to go!! And when Landon was ready to come home it worked well as Arlan was ready for bed too. But I gotta' admit, he is frickin' CUTE!! Did I mention...heh heh

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