Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

Yummy! Nothing like eating pie with Grandpa!! Landon loves eating pie with Grandpa, as you can tell from the expression on his face!
Landon slept so well at Grandma and Grandpa's (and at Uncle Bob & Aunty Rosemary's too) ... I love this blow-up bed (Thanks one more time Ricki!!). I thought this pose was just too cute to miss ... notice the missing sock even!

Hanging out with Aunty Yvonne before supper ... great shot Aunty!!
And Arlan with Great Grandpa Leisle and dad after supper. Arlan was a grumper-puss as he hadn't napped very well that day, and oh my was it warm in that kitchen!! LOL So no smilers for this picture, but no tears either which is good.

This is where Arlan spent dinner -- playing with those jingle-buddies which he loves! So at mealtimes we would put him in here and he'd play and talk and just generally enjoy himself!!

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