Wednesday, November 12, 2008

4 month shots coming up today...

We made it through another day with Landon not being sick. His appetite is slowly coming back, but not nearly as ravenous as usual. And while he does have periods of active play throughout the day, it's not nearly as active as before, and he then needs to spend some time on the couch recovering. But all in all he's on the mend ... it's just taking him a bit longer I guess. I will be glad when the poops firm up though .....

We get Arlan's 4 month shots today. At 5:40 pm. When I made the appt he went to bed between 7:30 & 8. Now I've usually got him in jammies and am settling him down for the night at that time :-/ We'll see how it goes -- he'll be plenty tired I'm sure, poor thing. But we'll just get him home and get him to bed and see what happens. I will likely have to do the Tylenol every 4 hours thing again (to protect against fever since Landon has a history of febrile seizures), but he's been waking frequently enough to feed that that shouldn't be an issue. He did let mommy get some sleep last night, although he was awake for about 45 minutes at 5 am!! He just gooed and giggled in his crib for about 30 minutes, then he started fussing so I went in and fed him and he went right back to sleep - thankfully until 8 am, so I got to 'sleep in' this morning (never thought I'd see the day when I said sleeping until 8 am was sleeping in!! LOL).

Anyways, we'll post some stats when we get 'em today. I'm going to phone to see if they'll even give Landon a flu shot, since he's just recovering from a flu. Likely not, so he and dad can stay home and chill out. I think I will get a flu shot if I can though ... if I can avoid another flu this winter I'll be pleased. But I need to check if they'll even give me one, since I was just sick as well :-/

Until next time....

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