Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tuesday tidbits...

Not much news, but thought I'd post a quick one waiting for Arlan to wake up from a nap. I've certainly discovered that when John puts Arlan down for a nap, Arlan sleeps longer! Weird ... but true. When I put Arlan down, he naps for only 45 minutes or so. When John put him down, he sleeps for 1 1/2 hours! I like it when John puts him down!! LOL Yesterday Arlan refused to nap all afternoon, so was up from 1:40 until 6 pm when I put him to bed for the night! That is the longest he's ever stayed awake (I can't say he was completely content / happy the whole time, but for the majority of that time he was pretty good). Then he slept from 6 until 3 am (John plugged the soother in twice ... at 6:45 and 8 pm, but that's it!).

So maybe this solids thing has some merit ... his longest awake period and his longest sleep period happened after his second feeding of cereals. He has eaten fairly well. I don't think he was quite as hungry as Landon when we started him (he sat there like a bird with his mouth open, we couldn't feed him fast enough, and he ate aLOT right away too), but he's getting ~ 1 Tbsp down per feeding, with not too much of a mess :-)

Landon's imagination is in full swing these days. All of his toys have brand news uses. I love watching him play and make things up ... it's very pleasurable to watch, as well as purely entertaining to see what he'll come up with next!! He is also loving the foam blocks that Aunty Yvonne and Uncle Greg gave him for his first Xmas ... they get build into many many things these days -> mostly bridges and tunnels for his trains to travel through (and around and over). But he also loves when John or I stack them up and he can smash them down.

I'm slowly recovering from the painting weekend :-P I played v'ball last night, so now my right shoulder is really tired!! LOL It sucks getting old(er). But that basement looks so great, I absolutely LOVE it!! John was also pleased to take him first sauna on Sunday night - so that thing's getting some use now.

Anyways, it's time to put Landon down for his snoozers, so I'm off. Of course, when I told him it was time for a snooze, he said "yes, let's go to the ZOO!" Not quite the same......*sigh*

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