Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hips are just fine :-)

We saw the doc this morning, and the x-ray results for Arlan's hips show that he is just fine. The doc checked for clicking again, and there isn't any. So our little monkey is good good good.
Landon's excited, I bought him the Wall-E movie after the doc appt. Well, I really liked the movie too, and so we're going to watch it together ... plus we'll take it to Grandma's house this weekend and he can watch with her too.
I also bought Landon a second bed rail -- we are hoping to move his bed more to the middle of his room so we'll need a rail on both sides. It's just too darned drafty under that window! Although Landon has been cold enough to actually sleep UNDER blankets these past weeks ... but I'll still prefer the bed away from the window.

That's it, that's all, until we get back from Saskie ...

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