Tuesday, November 11, 2008

scary squeaky door!

Forgot about the scary squeaky door....

Last night I played volleyball (and was it GREAT to get out of the house!). On my way home I called to see how things were going. Well, it seems that Landon was snuggled into our bed because he was so scared of the squeaking door! When our front screen door isn't latched, and the wind hits it just right, it squeaks. John didn't know this though - so he hadn't been able to locate the squeak for quite some time ... giving Landon enough time to work himself into quite the fright!! Poor kid! LOL That imagination is kicking into overdrive.
So I got home, pulled Landon out of our bed and we went and showed him how the door squeaks when not shut tight, and then we shut it tight and the squeaking stopped. Still Landon was pretty scared, so he snuggled back into our bed while I showered. But after that he was ready for sleep and happily went back into his own room -- PHEW! I thought I was going to have to sit in his room until he fell asleep, but he just snuggled into bed and said 'leave the door OPEN!' like he does every night.

So that's the story of the scary squeaky door. Makes me giggle a bit, and a bit sad because our little Landon just keeps on growing - this imagination that he's recently developed if proof of that.

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