Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stats and stuff...

Well, Arlan's growth has definitely slowed down! He's 16 pounds, 2 ounces ... only 3 ounces gained in the past 2 weeks! Of course, I had the flu in there which likely impacted that a bit. But I discussed starting solids with the nurse, and I think we'll give it a go on the weekend. Start with some rice cereal. Makes me sad -- my little man is getting bigger (too big too fast!!). Stinker. But maybe he'll sleep a bit better?
He did sleep well last night though, after getting his shots. I gave him Tylenol, he woke up once to eat (woke another time and a soother put him back to sleep). He was up at 5:30 playing for about 20 minutes until I soothered him, then again at 6:30 and John soothered him about 6:50. Then he slept until 8:30!! YAY Mommy needed that 'sleep in' again ... trying to recover from that danged flu!

Arlan's hip was also cracking, so the nurse urged us to make an appt with the doc. We went to he doc this morning, and have been referred for an ultrasound. It might be a shallow hip joint, which could cause problems in the future (dislocation of hip), but it's easily cured if detected so young ... therefore the ultrasound. Because it hasn't been noted before (and it's checked at every doc appt and when he gets his vaccinations), the doc thinks it might be just the knee clicking, which isn't serious at all. But since we can't tell for sure, it's better to be safe than sorry. So we're waiting to hear when the ultrasound appointment will be. Hopefully before Xmas.

The rest of us got flu shots too - the first time for us. But after that bout last week, if I can prevent even one flu I'll be pleased!! Landon didn't even flinch at the needle. He watched mommy and daddy get a needle, then picked his bandaid colour (yellow, not blue!), and got his needle.
But Landon sure has been crying lots. He cries whenever Arlan makes a squeal or a squeak. So annoying for us. I've been telling him that if he doesn't like the sounds Arlan makes, he can go play in his room by himself. So far, he's managed to tolerate Arlan's sounds since that came into effect :-/ Silly kid.

Anyways, that's the news here. I'm amazed to be watching Arlan playing in his exersaucer right now. For a kid that never used to be able to stay up for even 2 hours, he's going on 2 1/2 here and completely happy. but Landon just told me to "start paying attention to [him]", so I'd better go. Until next time....

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