Saturday, November 08, 2008

Finally - healthy again!

Landon and I have been down with the flu since Wednesday morning .... YUCK! I woke up about 2:45 am, Landon at 6:30. I was pretty much done with the disgusting stuff by 8 am or so, and spent the rest of the day in bed (John stayed home from work). I just nursed Arlan and slept as much as possible.
Poor Landon however, he was throwing up most of the morning, then again throughout the evening and overnight. Thursday he was sick in the morning, but then seemed to be on the mend. But Friday night he was sick again about 5 times :-( Poor kid. Every time he had to puke, he'd cry so hard and say "No puke! I don't wanna puke!!" I think he thought our putting a bucket in front of him caused him to puke. I tried to explain to him that there were bad germs in his tummy and his tummy was getting rid of them by puking, but he didn't care to hear about that.
So Landon slept with me Wed night and again Fri night ... aside from the waking up to catch his puke all night Wed, I must admit I enjoyed snuggling with him all night long. That's not to say that I want him to get sick like that again anytime soon! Yikes.
We were actually quite worried about him last night as he hadn't peed all day, and when I phoned HealthLink they wanted us to take him in to the hospital. I requested that the doctor on call call me as well - he did and recommended we wait until morning. I'm glad he said that, because of course Landon got up and peed :-) So we didn't have to take him in at all ... thankfully. Although I was plenty worried when he started up puking again last night. And of course, John was playing so I was home alone with both boys :-/

Arlan has managed to avoid catching this one -- thank goodness!! I attribute that to breastfeeding -- gotta love me protecting him through my milk! He was SO good too when we were focusing on Landon...he slept so well when Landon wasn't sleeping so well. Of course, Thursday night Landon slept really well and Arlan was up all night. But I can handle that!
John also avoided this flu too ... which is good because he's been busy taking care of us! LOL

So that's our news - not much of it, but at least we're recovered. Landon has recovered now I'm sure - he was full throttle tonight!! Which is a relief - and tiring! I liked the past couple of nights when I put him to bed and he went to sleep! Last night I was advised to keep pushing fluids on him, so was actually trying to keep him up to get him to drink more! Very unusual situation for us... By 11 pm Landon was so tired he was refusing the drinks and just going to sleep! Poor kid ... after he puked in his bed I moved him to mine and let him sleep.

So, I'm off to bed to hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight. John let me sleep in this morning, but I'm still exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow will be less tiring ... less cleaning up of pukey things for sure! Until next time...

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