Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Home Again, home Again

We had a fabulous trip back to Sask on the weekend. We managed to get up and leave on Fri morn at a decent time (just after 9). We stopped in the Hat for lunch, and then made it all the way to the farm without stopping again. Arlan was on the verge of a meltdown, but Landon entertained him in the back and all was good.
Both boys had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's. Landon got to go for a ride in the grain truck, all the way to the elevator! Plus he checked out the kitties in the barn, watched the birdies eating out the window (from Grandma's bird feeder), and inspected bins with Grandpa (he got to feel durum and peas, but didn't like the chaff on his mittens). Arlan was his usual smiling, talking self ... revelling in the attention from everyone.
We came home yesterday, again managing to leave at a relatively decent time. Both boys were SO good in the car both on the way down and back again. We stopped in Med Hat for lunch again, and made one more stop in Bassano to feed Arlan briefly and to stretch our legs. No meltdowns this time (that extra stop was a good thing).
Plus, John & I enjoyed a night out together, going to Natasha and Shane's wedding while the boys stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. SO nice ... we even spent the night in Swift at Carla and Dave's (thanks again guys). Both boys were so good for Grandma. Landon wasn't even upset when we left - he gave me a big kiss and gave me a quick wave good-by before returning his attention to much more important things (like playing). Arlan took awhile to fall asleep for Grandma, but she was able to just lay with him on the bed, and he eventually fell asleep stroking her face (he's so cute!!). He only woke once to eat too, which is just wonderful. Landon enjoyed some time with Grandpa in bed before heading back to his Thomas bed for the night. So both kids were well behaved, went to sleep and slept well, and were VERY happy to see John and I in the morning too.
I was very relieved that Arlan napped with me on Sunday for about 3 hours!! I can't remember the last time he and I hung out in bed for that long!!! He'd wake up, I'd nurse him a bit, we'd both go back to sleep. It was so nice :-) And Grandma managed to keep Landon entertained so both John and I got some recuperative sleep on Sunday (as we didn't get much sleep Sat night ... heh heh).

So we're home again ... I'm wondering what to do first, laundry, cleaning, blah! ah well ... it's now December and the countdown to Christmas is on! So I'll be doing lots of cleaning in upcoming weeks :-) Thankfully I'm almost completely done Xmas shopping... AND all my Xmas cards are mailed out already -- PHEW! Much better than last year, when I didn't even get my cards until 3 days before Xmas or some thing like that LOL

Anyways, that's the quick post for today - will get some pics uploaded hopefully soon ... until next time....

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