Saturday, December 27, 2008

Arlan's Christmas

Arlan had a darned good first Christmas - he was almost as spoiled as his brother (although I think Landon may have been the most spoiled kid in Canada!!).
It is nice that Arlan wakes earlier than Landon (and we let Landon sleep in a bit too), so he got to experience his first presents without Landon rip-roaring around. Mostly Arlan wanted to chew on the paper. But he seemed pretty happy with the toys he found in the paper too.

Doesn't this face just say it all?

I love this look of concentration. He was trying to figure out how to get the most paper in his mouth at one time I'm sure!!

Arlan successfully opened his very first present from Santa Claus. Although this wasn't the big 'hit' ... that came from our neighbours Trevor and Wendy who gave him a Little Einsteins octoplush -- now THAT toy is getting lots of chew-time :-)
So Arlan had a good Christmas. He was a smiley-happy baby (like usual). At first he made a bit of strange with all those people in the house, but by the end of Christmas day (when everyone had been here for a full day) he was doing much better and would go to most people, if only for a few minutes. Thankfully he slept well (although I will be glad to see those sleeping-through-the-nights nights that I hope are coming sooner rather than later), and he even 'slept in' yesterday and today (until 8:30) -- giving mom and dad some much needed extra sleep in the mornings.
Everyone left this morning, and unlike Landon was two years ago (sitting at the front door, looking out as if to say "where did they go? are they coming back?") he seems quite content to have the house back to himself (so to speak). Not that it really changed his life too much, but he did get more playtime on the floor, and with Arlan he really does enjoy being left alone to play by himself at times (I'm still trying to get used to that!!). Also, he got to play in the exersaucer while I was on the computer today - and he was VERY excited to be in there after a few days hiatus :-)

1 comment:

niknac said...

The picture with the ball looks so much like his big brother