Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Arlan's getting SO big!

We had Arlan's 6 month check-up today. He's 17 pounds, 7 ounces (yup - he's back to growing!), and 27" long. Getting SO big. So he's doubled his birthweight in 6 months, just like he's supposed to (more than doubled, actually), and is just above the 50th percentile (like he's been all along). And he's getting taller, getting closer to the 75th percentile than he has been previously.

He was pretty cute in the doc's office too. The doctor was trying to flex his hips (just to double-check this hip-clicking thing) ... well Arlan was having none of it! He kept straightening his legs, so the doc would try again, and Arlan would straighten again and laugh laugh laugh at the doctor. So cute. So he only got his hips flexed a couple of times, but the doctor didn't feel any clicking and really isn't too concerned with it as the x-rays we had last month are all clear.

Other than that, Arlan is doing just what he's supposed to be doing. Sitting up (he showed off for the doctor), chewing and drooling with the promise to teeth to come soon, and we are to keep on trying to add new solids to his diet (but the fact that he's eating cereals is good, and the amount is just fine given that he's growing well). So a good check-up all around. Let's hope Arlan stays nice and healthy (Landon too) so that we don't have to see the doctor again until March ... for Landon's 3 year checkup and Arlan's 9 month checkup.

It was actually nice today - the doctor might actually be starting to recognize / remember us as patients as he asked where older brother was today (Landon was at home with John, who had taken the morning off to watch him as opposed to drive an hour to work and home again given the CRAPPY roads).

So that's our news for today (so far, anyways). until next time...

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